Getting AS9100 Certified in Torrance, California (CA)
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Having a business or an organization in the Aviation, Space, and Defense (ASD) industry requires a lot of things. For one, you need to make sure that you have all the necessary tools, people, and experience to even start; another thing worth noting is that you need to be certified and licensed to be able to operate.
One of the most sought after and the most regarded certifications of all is none other than the AS9100 certification. And here in the city of Torrance in the state of California, no other certification body is trusted when it comes to training, implementation, registration, and certification than us at The ISO Pros.

Understanding AS9100
AS9100, simply, is a standard published by the International Aerospace Quality Group or the IAQG, which was originally based on the ISO 9001 standard.
Yes, to put an end to all the fuss, both ISOs 9001 and AS9100 are standards for quality and have similar requirements in implementing a QMS. AS9100 just specifies requirements for businesses and organizations in the Aviation, Space, and Defense (ASD) industries.
AS9100 Versions
The current version, which is AS9100 Rev D, is the most updated of all. However, that’s not where it started. As we all know, ISO standards get changed, modified, and updated almost consistently when some parts of the standard get modifications, too. Therefore, it’s important to know and to understand the history of each version.
AS9100 Rev A was first released back in 2001 with updates from then updated QMS, ISO 9001:2000. Then, three (3) years later, AS9100 Rev B was released, with added information and practices, but still based on ISO 9001:2000.
AS9100 Rev C, which was published in the year 2009, carried too few updates and adjustments, which took on updates on the most updated ISO 9001 version – the ISO 9001:2008.
Now, the AS9100 Rev D, which was published in the longest interval, the year 2016, had updates on ISO 9001:2015 plus tons of changes and modifications on the standard itself.
Getting AS9100 Certifications in Torrance, California
If you’re wondering which certification body or company you should trust, then you must go with us here at The ISO Pros. All across the entire city of Torrance, CA, we’ve been the best, the most sought after, and the most relied on. We might not have the best aeronautical engineers, but we have experts that have gone through the AS9100 standard in decades – and we’re all here to help you in achieving the certification you’ve badly wanted.
So, what are you waiting for? Give us a call here at The ISO Pros and we will get to training you to become AS9100 certified without spending a fortune!
You can choose to visit our website and fill out the contact form that we have, or you can also choose to give us a call or send us an email. We’re ready and we will be more than happy to help you!
Talk to us today and receive a free estimate!
IQC The ISO Pros can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications: